Keep the teeth near the ulcer, very very clean. No acidic foods, or sweets. Buy some Biotene toothpaste, to help keep the ulcers away.
If you can get your hands on some debacterol, it works wonderfully, to help heal, and stop the pain.
because mine is hurting like a mofo here... it's at the back of my cheek, where my lower and upper jaw connect,and i can't close my teeth without chomping on it because its swollen out.
my lymph glands under my neck hurt to the touch, the entire side of my head down to my shoulders hurt.. i've tried peroxide mouthwash, salt mouthwash, orajel (which help for about 30 seconds), and aspirin placed on it (which helps for about ten minutes).
today, at work, i put a bunch of salt directly on it which just stung like the dickens for about 10 minutes and now i'm back to square one with the ongoing pain.
Keep the teeth near the ulcer, very very clean. No acidic foods, or sweets. Buy some Biotene toothpaste, to help keep the ulcers away.
If you can get your hands on some debacterol, it works wonderfully, to help heal, and stop the pain.
Yuk, I hope not.
I can't understand why he brought her to the police station. He could have made up some excuse why the kids were there. Neice with children visiting, etc... In one story, it says one girl was hanging on to him, with blank eyes.
Blank eyes, are very common in foster children, who have been molested.
There are holding both husband and wife, but only really talk about him. The wife is sooo guilty also.
is socially acceptable for dating people?
is there a double standard?.
I was going to hire a pool boy. Really!!!! Just talking about that to the girls at work. But alas, I didn't win the Powerball lottery Wednesday.
Machine?? All of those new fangled contraptions!!! What is wrong with the good ol days. You young whiper snappers just don't understand.
Yes. Just talking about this last week at work.
In 2 months time.
Female, head of large Federal medical clinic. Very well liked, educated, home town girl. Her husband of two years, one of the doctors, gets fired for sexual harrassment of patient. Doesn't have a state license. Out of work.
Her mother, superintendent of schools, fired, for wanting to fire a teacher, who was well liked, for not doing his job. Her grown daughter's trouble was brought up in closed session.
Their dream house, was being built. Huge! Was 2 weeks from being ready to move into. Burned to the ground.
Her children started being harrassed at school.
Gossip. Lack of confidence at work.
She got Transfered.
Affected: Clinic 72 employees, Larger group of employees, who know everything that is going on, 3,100, plus their families.
2 towns, approx 12,000 people. Her family. Work. US government.
My own butterfly effect.
is socially acceptable for dating people?
is there a double standard?.
Only if they take them. Got a sample for him 5 years ago. He kept saying tomorrow. They went out of date.
is socially acceptable for dating people?
is there a double standard?.
My husband is 17 years older than I am, married for 23 years. I have always gravitated to older men. My ex-husband was 12 years older.
PROBLEM: When I was 40, and in my "sexual prime", as the books say, he was pooped out. Has truly hurt our relationship.
I wouldn't recommend a woman marry a man so much older. I sure wouldn't do it again, if I would have known.
does anybody remember which scripture it is in the greek scriptures (i want to say it was of paul's writings) that the jw's used as a reason that women had no privileges that a man could have in the congregation?
i remember doing research on it for a return visit.
basically the jist of it is that because of eve's sin, all women are inferior.
I couldn't have said it better avishai!
well, i thought i had dodged the bullet this year, but the almighty sis in law apparently called my hubby to invite him to the assemble again this year.
he'd gotten an invite earlier this summer.. i had ironically just gotten of the phone with the mom in law, just to check in and see how everyone was doing.
sounds like i was involved in a power play.
I would think that your circuit assembly would be alot closer than Rosenberg. Dallas is closer than that. Last I knew, circuit ass. were 2,000 people. I would call a KH, and ask. You can always make up some story.
so i assume the back of the territory card was not marked that apostates live at this they still do that?
anyway the first thing i asked her was if she had a back issue of the july 09 awake.
she looked through her bag said she didn't but could get me a copy and bring it back to me.
I say just her, alone. She said she would be back. She will honor it. Probably won't tell anyone, they would just try to talk her out of going.
looking back over the last few weeks, i think i've been unnessarily rude to some posters and i just want to apologize to anyone who has been on the receiving end of my anger recently.. i believe that i'm so angry, dismayed, devastated and heartbroken over what's happening to my brother in law, that i've been taking it out on others and that's not right.
it makes absolutely no difference what i think of the wts as a whole, or whether or not americans have a universal healthcare system......none of that makes any difference whatsoever when someone you love and has been like your brother for 35 years is dying and there's not a fucking thing we can do about it.. my sister just called me and there's more bad news, and that's that his disease has now progressed into the acute myeloid leukemia which means he cannot start the therapy they were going to give him, as this is far more serious now.
they want to start chemo right away, but his blood counts aren't up high enough for him to survive.
Mary, I am so sorry. I lost my grandfather to leukemia, 30 years ago. It is indeed wicked. But medical science has come a long way, since then. I hope that things change for your brother-in-law.
And, go ahead, and punch Billy the ex-Bethelites avatar. Please??